Sunday, 31 July 2011

Introducing myself

Hi guys :-) My names Becky and i've been diagnosed with anxiety for 2 years. I've decided to do a blog to share with everyone I can my experiences with anxiety & panic. Suffering from an anxiety disorder can be a lonely experience and I hope this well help people in two ways - 1) Give any anxiety sufferer reassurance that hope is ahead and that they aren't alone & 2) People may read this and recognise themselves and hopefully get help. I can happily say i'm just on the road to recovery, I've definately got a long way to go and i'm prepared for any challenges i need to face. I want my life back and i'm willing to fight for it. So i'm going to use this blog to share my experiences and also as a diary of recording my sucesses when I beat this evil demon.
In my next posts I will start to fully explain what an anxiety disorder is, my own experiences, etc.

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