Sunday 31 July 2011

What-if thoughts

An anxiety sufferer will question everything because in itself, we begin to fear everything. Our minds are so tired and worn out, that things most people wouldn't even think twice about we now question every little thing. We're constantly watching ourselves, with what to question next. All our fears are out of proportion, and to us, everything means we're going to die. A lot of these thoughts go by the name of What if thoughts.. Here's some examples:

What if i have a heart attack?
What if i go mad?
What if this is me forever?
What if noone can cure me?
What if i die?
What if i faint?

These are just a few of the fears that go through an anxiety sufferers mind over and over again. Then symptoms bother us also and the thoughts start again:

What if this headache is something serious, a brain tumour?
What if this stomach pain is my appendix? What if they burst and i die?
What if this pain in my back is my kidneys?
What if this pain in my chest is my heart and will lead to a heart attack?
What if this pain in my leg is a blood clot?

As you can see we begin to question everything, everything is out of proportion. And any little thing we feel all of a sudden becomes life threatening to us. We seriously believe anything we feel means we're going to die.

Your thoughts/your inner voice is what makes things extremely hard. It's so hard when you know deep down your symptom is anxiety but you have the little voice at the back of your head convincing you its something much more.. and somehow that little voice always wins. Challenging your thoughts is the only way to be on top of them. To be able to say to yourself 'no this isn't a heart attack, it's just chest pains because my muscles in my chest are tightening and spasming' - just saying that makes all the difference. Everytime you say a comment against your thought, the thought is slowly loosing it's power over you.

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